Jesus’ Mission
May 22, 2022
In Luke 4, we are introduced to Jesus’ mission on earth – to free people spiritually and physically. Through His mission, we get to understand God the Father’s heart for his people, particularly the poor and needy. Jesus’ mission is now the church’s mission to continue through the power of the Holy Spirit. We can receive the blessings of his mission and then share it with those around us. We see that our mission is to go to the poor and needy in our city, neighbourhoods, and life to share Jesus with them.
Chloe Le Breton
In this series:
Luke 4:16–19 (Listen)
Jesus Rejected at Nazareth
16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read. 17 And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Text provided by the Crossway Bibles Web Service.
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